Compensation Fund - resubmission of ROE

Isaac More

Staff member
A Compensation Fund, often associated with workers' compensation or a similar system, is a fund established to provide compensation to employees who are injured or become ill while on the job. ROE stands for "Report of Earnings," which is a document used to report an employee's earnings and employment history.

If you need to resubmit an ROE to a Compensation Fund, it typically means that there was an error or omission in the initial submission, or there is new information that needs to be included. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Identify the Issue: Before resubmitting the ROE, identify the specific issue that requires correction or update. This could be an error in the earnings reported, the reason for the separation, or any other relevant information.
  2. Correct the ROE: Make the necessary corrections to the ROE. This may involve updating the information on the form, correcting any mistakes, or adding new details as required.
  3. Resubmission Method: Check with the Compensation Fund to understand their preferred method of resubmission. Some organizations may accept online submissions, while others may require physical forms. Follow their guidelines to ensure your resubmission is processed correctly.
  4. Include a Cover Letter: Along with the corrected ROE, consider including a cover letter explaining the reason for the resubmission. This can help the Compensation Fund personnel understand the purpose of the resubmission and expedite the process.
  5. Documentation: If there are any supporting documents or evidence related to the correction, ensure that you include those as well. This can help validate the changes made to the ROE.
  6. Follow-Up: After resubmitting the ROE, follow up with the Compensation Fund to confirm that they have received and processed your resubmission. This can help ensure that the necessary changes have been made in their records.
  7. Compliance: Be sure to comply with any deadlines or requirements set by the Compensation Fund. Failing to meet deadlines could lead to delays in processing your claim.
Keep in mind that the specific process and requirements for resubmitting an ROE to a Compensation Fund may vary depending on the country, state, or jurisdiction. It's crucial to contact the appropriate authority or office that manages workers' compensation or the Compensation Fund to get accurate and up-to-date information on the resubmission process.